How to take care of your Kid’s tiredness from whole day play & activities - Hakeem Suleman Khan

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| Mon - Sat 07:30 - 19:00

How to take care of your Kid’s tiredness from whole day play & activities

Children by nature are very energetic; their blood is thin which easily get circulated to the whole body. They don’t feel any tiredness or exhaustion after a long day, even when they play and cavort for the whole day. They don’t feel any kind of pain; their tiredness is limited only till they get a sound sleep. A child’s immune system is very vigorous; they don’t perceive the pain which adults face. This is why children are not supposed to take any medication, except in injuries. Instead just provide them milk with two spoons of haldi.

Their endurance level is much more than us because of their in-build resistance and potential in the body.Dry fruits are very utilitarian in nature, especially for growing ups young ones. Mothers are advised to dip few almonds in water, keep it over the night and give it to the child next morning with hot milk.

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