Hakeem Suleman Khan Remedies | Sulemani Nuskhe - Atiyaherbs

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Tag: Hakeem Suleman Khan Remedies

Headache- Get Rid of Beating Sensation On Your Head

Headache- Get Rid of Beating Sensation On Your Head

Quick Facts about Headache Headache is a very common disease Beating to throbbing pain is the main indicator Fever, Vomiting, Nausea are its associated symptoms…

Take Asthma-free Breath and Soothe your Respiratory Tract

Take Asthma-free Breath and Soothe your Respiratory Tract

Quick Facts about Asthma Characterized by difficulty in breathing Two types- allergic and non-allergic Causes are cold air, smoke, over-exercise, stress etc. Symptoms are wheezing,…

Chlamydia Symptoms are Alarming, If Not Treated on Time

Chlamydia Symptoms are Alarming, If Not Treated on Time

Quick Facts about Chlamydia It is Sexually Transmitted Disease or Sexually Transmitted Infection. It is found in infected semen and vaginal fluids. Unprotected sex causes this…

Get out of the cage of ‘Schizophrenia’ and Enjoy Peace from Within

Get out of the cage of ‘Schizophrenia’ and Enjoy…

It’s not only our physical health; our mental health equally plays an important role in our overall well-being. But, not all of us are blessed…

होम रेमेडीज से करें गंजेपन का सफल उपचार

होम रेमेडीज से करें गंजेपन का सफल उपचार

बाल शरीर की शोभा बढाते हैं. यदि किशोरावस्था या फिर जवानी में ही आप गंजे हो जाएं तो सोचिए आपके मानसिक पटल पर इसका कितना…

झड़ते बाल रोकने में ये घरेलू नुस्खे हैं सबसे असरदार

झड़ते बाल रोकने में ये घरेलू नुस्खे हैं सबसे…

बालों का असमय झड़ने की समस्या आज आम हो चुकी है स्त्री, पुरुष बच्चे सभी इसकी चपेट में हैं. प्रदूषण, एलर्जी, अनिद्रा, मानसिक तनाव सहित…

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