Try these 6 Superb Ways to Bid Menstrual Cramps Adios - Hakeem Suleman Khan

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Try these 6 Superb Ways to Bid Menstrual Cramps Adios

Menstrual Cramps
28 September, 2017

No matter how dreaded you feel about them, they will come knocking down your door every month. No matter how messy they are, they render a sort of complacency that your body is working fine. No matter how utter uncomfortable they make your life for five days, it’s because of them what you are. Yes, it’s that time of the month which we are talking about. The crimson wave which is both a friend and a foe of a woman is more often than not accompanied by appalling menstrual cramps.

These terrible cramps make your already awful five days a tad more complex and complicated to deal with. It is the story of an every adult woman. If you’re also far from alone and desperately want to know that how to relieve period cramps, then keep on reading to find some amazing ways as well as home remedies enunciated below.

Heating Pad

Applying heat in the area of lower abdomen is one of the easiest ways if you’re wondering how to ease cramps. Heat helps in relaxing the contracting muscles in the uterus. Place a heating pad over your lower abdomen and lower back. You can even use a regular plastic bottle filled with hot water in place of heating pad. A hot shower would also work to make you feel calm and relaxed.

Healthy Diet

Watch what you eat for we cannot lay more emphasize on the significance of a healthy nutritious diet. Reduce fat foods and incorporate more green vegetables in your diet. Improvement in your diet is the most efficacious way on how to relieve menstrual cramps. Swap less healthy saturated fats found in animal products with healthier ones such as unsaturated fats present in olive oil.

Herbal Route

Ginger is an effective herbal home remedy if you’re looking for natural remedies on how to help period cramps as it helps fight fatigue associated with PMS. All you need to do is grate a small piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and add a bit honey and lemon juice in it. Drink this beverage three times a day during your menstruation.


Yes, you’re bloated, in pain and only want to relax but a bit of exercise may help you resolve your pain woes. It has been found that the augmented blood flow and the endorphins impede the prostaglandins and lessen cramps. However, if you’re in great deal of pain and exercising seems impossible but you still want to acquaint yourself with ways on how to ease period cramps, then you can prefer low impact activities, such as yoga or walking.

Keep yourself Hydrated

No, you’re not being asked to quaff any random drink here and then expect your cramps to be cured when remedies on how to stop menstrual cramps are being discussed. Keep yourself hydrated by guzzling plenty amount of water, preferably warm or hot water as it is known to escalate blood flow to the skin and relaxes cramped muscles. You should also increase your intake of foods with high water content, like cucumber, berries and celery.

Sound Sleep

Getting adequate amount of sleep is essential for a healthy state of both body and mind; and it becomes all the more important when you’re suffering from period cramps. You need to have at least 8 hours’ sound sleep without any interruptions if you want the several ways given above on how to help cramps work for you. A relaxed sleep is equivalent to pain relief.

With these astounding remedies at your side, it will be much easier for you to welcome red tide next time!

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