Try These Tips to Increase Height And See The Difference - Hakeem Suleman Khan

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Try These Tips to Increase Height and See The Difference

Increase Height
4 October, 2018

Quick Facts to Increase Height

  • Short height may be the result of heredity.
  • It destroys our confidence as well as deprives us of getting jobs in different places.
  • Different non-genetic factors such as malnutrition, bad emotional health etc. are the reasons for short height.
  • Different yoga poses, and exercise can help gain height.
  • Change in lifestyle can increase height, even after a certain age.


Short height does not only make you low in confidence. Many people get rejected in many jobs because of the short height. In this article, we will disclose few facts about height gain.

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What is Height?

Before rolling on to the main topic, we need to be clear about the idea of height and how it gets affected. Our height is highly dependent on our heredity. If our family members are short; then in rare cases it is seen that we have become tall. Thus, it is known as the polygenetic trait. Even different races can have different types of height. Thus, you can see a difference between heights of Caucasian and Mongolian.

Factors Affecting Height

Human Growth Hormone or HGH is the main reason affecting our height. The Pituitary gland secretes this hormone and it is responsible for the growth of cartilages and bones. Main two factors make us grow:


Our genes play a pivotal role in our body’s growth. Most of the times, if family members from both the parents are not tall enough; then we do not see any significant height growth.


Different non-genetic factors are responsible for the human growth. Our physical activity, diet, posture etc. impart a huge amount of effect in this matter. Other factors that can affect the growth of our body are:

  • Bad emotional conditions during the childhood or adolescence
  • Poor health conditions during the childhood of adolescence
  • Insufficient care during and after pregnancy

Natural treatment to increase height

It is always advisable to adopt a few natural remedies, which can help to gain height.

Home Remedies

One best solution to increase our height sitting at home is Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Buy ashwagandha powder from any superstore and mix 2 tablespoons of it in a glass of milk. You can make this mixture sweet by adding jaggery in it.

Dietary Tips

Without a balanced and proper diet, the growth of our body stops. To know what to eat and what to avoid check the list below:

Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid
Vitamins Saturated fat
Minerals Carbonated drinks
Green Vegetables Sugar-loaded foods
Lifestyle Tips

Few lifestyle hacks can increase your height in no time:

  • Take an adequate amount of sleep. As per research, secretion of Human Growth Hormone increases in our bodies when we sleep without any interruption. In that matter, doctors suggest a minimum of 8 to 11 hours of sleep to teenagers every night so that they can reach the maximum height.
  • Second lifestyle tip would be maintaining proper posture right from the childhood. Maintaining proper posture includes sitting straight on the chair, keeping the hips over the feet at the time of standing or walking, keeping the shoulder straight and chin high.
  • Faulty immunity since childhood can become the reason for the restricted growth. If someone increases the consumption of Vitamin C found in citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, orange etc.; it can improve the immune system of the body.
  • Those factors inhibiting the body growth should be removed since childhood. People taking alcohol and drugs at their adolescence or not taking proper diets may not reach their maximum height. Sometimes people consuming steroids might affect the body growth in a negative way.
Suggested Exercise/ Yoga

People performing regular exercise will see improvement in their height. There are several surefire tips, which can grow your height:

  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Bar Hanging
  • Dry Land Swimming
  • Hopping with one leg
  • Pelvic Shift
  • Pilates Roll Over
  • Spot Jump

There are several yoga poses, which will help you gain the desired height in no time.

  • Triangle Pose
  • Cobra Pose
  • Mountain Pose
  • Pleasant Pose
  • Tree Pose

How Unani Can Help

If you can follow these natural regimes on regular basis; then you will surely see a change in your height. But sometimes, due to our faulty immune system, we might not be able to reach our desired goal of height. In that case, you can add one herbal medicine in your regular routine, and it will surely help to boost your immunity. Try Hakeem Suleman Khan’s Majoon Akhrot Prash as it is one sure-shot remedy to boost your immunity.

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